Friday, May 8, 2015

           Madagascar is country located off the continent of Africa. Madagascar is an island that is surrounded by the Indian Ocean on all of its sides. There is a lot of history that can be learned about this nation. There have been many interesting events that have occurred on this island throughout it’s history. There are many geographic, religious, and cultural features unique to this country.
            Madagascar is an island located a little ways off the east coast of Africa. The exact location of this nation is 20 00 S and 47 00 E (Geography of Madagascar 2008). The island is split into five different geographical regions, which consist of the east coast, the Tsaratanana Massif, the central highlands, the west coast, and the southwest (Geography of Madagascar 2008). Each region has different geographical features such as lowlands, highlands, the Baie d'Antongil, mountains created from volcanoes, rolling hills, rivers, and harbors (Geography of Madagascar 2008). There are three different climates here, which are tropical along the coast, temperate, and arid in the southern part of the island (Geography of Madagascar 2008). All of these geographic features influence the people that live  on the island in many ways.
            Many interesting art pieces and music can be found here as well. There are many different textiles that can be found in Madagascar that the people use to make art. They use these textiles such as raffia leaves, which are found on a type of palm tree (Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History 2015). They use this material to weave fabric and raffia wrappers. They also make akotifahana out of silk, which is fabric that has many bright and bold colors on it (Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History 2015). Very wealthy and royal people usually wear this type of fabric (Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History 2015).     
The people of Madagascar also used to wear amulets called Ody, which they believed would keep them safe and healthy (Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History 2015).

            There are a few different religions that can be found in Madagascar. The majority of people here claim to be Christian either Protestant or Catholic (Traditional Beliefs and Religion in Madagascar 2015). Some of the Malagasy people hold traditional beliefs of their ancestors. These traditional beliefs place an emphasis on the dead (Traditional Beliefs and Religion in Madagascar 2015). They think that the dead speaks to a god on their behalf. They think that bad things will happen to them if they offend the dead (Traditional Beliefs and Religion in Madagascar 2015). Another religion that can be found in Madagascar is Islam and Hinduism. These make of the smallest percentage of people (Traditional Beliefs and Religion in Madagascar 2015).
            Madagascar produces many different natural resources. These resources can provide energy for the nation and be a source of money for them as well. Some of the natural resources that can be found here are graphite, coal, bauxite, salt quartz, tar sands, semi-precious stones, mica, fish, and hydropower (UN Public-Private Alliance for Rural Development n.d.). Hydropower provides some of the energy that the nations needs. There was a project that began in 2008 to create electricity for parts of Madagascar (Madagascar Sahanivotry Small Hydrpower Plant n.d.). Below is a picture of the hydropower plant found in Madagascar.
            Some people may wonder who were the first people to explore Madagascar. The first people to come from outside of Madagascar were the Portuguese ( 2008). Later on people from other countries began to visit the island. Other people came from France, the Netherlands, and England ( 2008). The French were even able to establish a fort for a few decades (History of Madagascar n.d.). In the 1600s the coast was full of pirates. These pirates stayed mostly on the east coast of the island ( 2008). They would attack European ships that were carrying goods back to Europe ( 2008). They would steal the things that they had just purchased from India. These explorers most likely introduced many new things to the native people of Madagascar like religion, food, and customs.

Image result for island of madagascar
            There have been many missionaries that have visited the nation of Madagascar. Those missionaries have taken the responsibility of sharing the gospel to the people of Madagascar. Most of the island claims to be Christian, but there are still some unreached people groups. The unreached groups are the Malagasy, the Tankarana, the Chinese minority, and the Indian minority (SIM Serving the Church Across Cultures 2015). The missionary group SIM first went to Madagascar in 1978 to plant churches and is still continuing to in their effort to build churches there (SIM Serving the Church Across Cultures 2015). In the 17th century Catholic missionaries came to Madagascar, but most of these missionaries did not accomplish very much. Although they were not very successful someone was able to translate the Bible completely into the Malagasy language in 1836 and it is still used today (SIM Serving the Church Across Cultures 2015). This was a huge accomplishment made by missionaries. There are also Muslim missionaries that have been to Madagascar to spread Islam (SIM Serving the Church Across Cultures 2015).                                                                                                              
            Madagascar is an island, so it has natural political boundaries. Madagascar’s land area totals 581,540 sq. km or 224,533 square miles ( 2008). The coastline of the island measures to be 4,828 km ( 2008). These boundaries would not change over time since the country has always consisted of the whole island. This might help make things less complicated with things such as boundary issues since it is an island.

            Madagascar is full of history, natural resources, art, and much more. It is a beautiful island surrounded by blue water. The people of Madagascar have been visited and influenced by many outside countries over the years. There are a variety of natural geographic features that make up the island. There are also a few different climates that make up parts of this country. The nation’s main religion is Christianity, which is great. Most countries outside of the United States do not have Christianity as their main religion. There are many interesting historical events, such as pirates surrounding the coast, missionaries visiting the people, and explorers coming to visit for the first time.  All of these factors have influenced Madagascar and shaped it to be the way it is now.